If any of you have ever wondered what it would be like to know royalty look no further. For each one of you can now rest your minds of what it would be like to have a friend so gloriously royal because I have officially claimed the throne. I am currently sitting on this throne as I work on the now official royal laptop. That's right, you can go and brag that you are all personally acquainted with the Queen of Procrastination.
I know, I know you are so lucky! Have a big paper due? Avoid it until it goes away. Need to finish a major school project? Meh, no need when you can relax and enjoy a good episode of Everybody loves Raymond. Need to clean the house, organize, and pack so you can move in a week? Please...you have a week! That's plenty of time. Or how about this one? have a baby coming in the next 6 weeks? Don't think about it. Things will just magically fall into place if you just pretend like it's never going to be here. So now all of you have the queen's permission to put of all of your responsibilities until the last minute. The queen has declared it.
So it's true. I have a huge project to complete, a good size research paper to write, cleaning, packing, and moving to do, all by next week and oh yeah, a baby on the way and what am I doing right now? Lounging on my couch, posting on my blog, and watching Everybody Loves Raymond...anything to avoid the homework and actual work right? lol. I'll be honest, I haven't even started my research yet for the paper. At least I've finished my field work for my elementary classes...now I just have to write the reports on them. Again, maybe if I just pretend like posting on my blog is the most important thing I have to do right now I'll feel better about not doing my homework. And since I'm out of things to say, still don't want to do my homework, and now have a husband who has gone to bed without me because he thinks I'm working on homework...I think I'll post this and go to bed...maybe I'll feel like not procrastinating tomorrow...or maybe the next day...or maybe next week...