Sunday, March 7, 2010

Birthday Bash and Weekend Crash

Ok, there was no weekend crash so to speak, but I'm not creative enough to think of anything that rhymed with bash that fit with the post. So if you are more creative than me and can think of something that fits and rhymes with bash, keep it to yourself. lol.

So my birthday was at the end of February and my sweet husband really outdid himself. At the stroke of midnight we were laying in bed watching forensic files (is that weird?) and suddenly out from under the covers he pulls out a little gift. First of all I wasn't expecting any gift, other than flowers maybe, and second I definitely wasn't expecting a gift to be pulled out of nowhere. So I opened the gift to find something that fulfilled my every birthday present desire. It was...

An Ipod Nano! Heck yeah baby! Not only is it small enough that I can easily take it running and work out with it, but it also has a fantastic video camera (which I have been using daily) as well as live radio! After a year of silence in my car I finally have something to listen to again! For those of you who are asking why I have had a year of silence in my car let me tell you. Two days before we moved here my car wasn't broken into...ok fine...they may have just opened the door I didn't lock...and stole my radio.
I'll admit silence is nice, and I still find myself just enjoying the quiet, but it's incredibly nice to have the option of my own music, my favorite radio stations, or silence. LOVE IT! So it's pretty much the coolest gift ever!
That day we also got sick of our computer and bought a new MacBook Pro. I'm using it to make this post right now. We love it. It's so nice to have a computer that works!
That night my parents came over and I cooked for them. I know most people like to be cooked for on their birthday, but I love to cook for others so that was really a present to me. I made amazing grilled chicken teriyaki and vegetable crepes. They were amazing! Chris said they scored a 10 out of 10, which is a rare score. Usually I get a 7 or 8. Since I don't really love cake I decided to continue with the crepe theme and make raspberry crepes. I also had the options of Nutella and bananas in case they didn't want raspberries. The combination of two and even the three are to die for. Here is a picture which doesn't do it justice at all.

And here are my very full parents

And because it was my birthday I refused to clean up and wouldn't let anybody else either. So here's the mess I woke up to the next morning.

And just to make this post even longer...
This last weekend we went with my family to Wolf Creek. It was so nice to just relax and get away from it all. I had every intention of using it as a good opportunity to do some homework and get a jump start on this next week. The only problem was that I left the books that I needed in order to do it. So I took it as a sign and didn't do anything but play with my family. Here are a couple pictures of my two favorite boys enjoying just hanging out.

This last one is just for fun and makes me laugh every time I see it.

1 comment:

RitanSands said...

happy late birthday! i am terrible at being on time. i am glad you had a terrific day and i hope you have many many more. you are amazing and i wish you a wonderful year!
