Thursday, March 13, 2008


So as trusted friends and family I need your help. Chris created this poll for me and I would love it if you would all take it! I'm at a crossroads in school and have no idea what to do next. Take the poll and let me know what you think I should do based on what you could see me doing. Gracias!


Camie said...

Roo, you're going to develop ulcers!! I'm not one to talk though, Rich knows that I practically need a ray of heavenly light to come down for me to feel sure about something. Do what you see yourself wanting to actually use in the future, even if you don't plan on working or having a career. Unfortunately all of your choices are good ones. It's always the hardest to choose between good things. I could definitely see you getting a teaching degree, but if you're closer to another degree then maybe you just want to finish it up. . . . okay so like I said before, I can't make decisions either. Let me know what you decide :)

Shar said...

Rach, I think you'll be awesome at whatever you choose to do! I think you need to utilize your talents and go with your gut (I did vote though). You will be able to figure it out, I'm sure, but you need to do what feels right and best. I hate choosing between good choices, but know this...a degree just gives you a piece of paper, it's what you do with that piece of paper that really matters. You're amazing!

john & natalie said...

I voted for finish the degree you are already working on. I hate school though, so of course my advice is finish as soon as you can. However, it might not be the best way to look at education :)
