The thing is, October has been such a FUN month! I had to post some of the things we've been up to, as well as a few MOVIES I've taken with my new iphone (LOVE).
When ever we go anywhere with these two, people think they are twins.
Boston figured since nobody else was really watching he would get upclose and personal with the chickens. He was shocked when the fox popped up, it scared him pretty good.
He loved the wheels in the maze! He kept cutting through the corn so he could get to the wheels faster.
I wish I had a video of this, but I missed it. I tried to put Boston in the little cow tractor pull, and once he realized I wasn't riding with him, it was GAME OVER! He had a look of panic on his face as the tractor pulled around the corner and was calling "MOMMY!!" Every adult was dying laughing. Then he disappeared around the corner and I thought "I've traumatized him for life." Just then the tractor driver runs around the corner carrying a screaming Boston. I guess he's not ready for independence yet.
His favorite part of the whole night was this Hay jumping thing. He and Ethan had a blast. What you don't see is them throwing the hay all over me. They thought it was hilarious.
Next up is the family Halloween Party.
This year we were a few family member short, but everybody had a blast.
We decided to see what Maddie would look like as a Canadian...She wasn't a fan.
My mom is always so creative. She's a black widow.
David is also creative. He's Canadian. Big stretch right?
Boston's first time with a Pinata. He wasn't too sure about it at first, but once he realized he was ALLOWED to hit something with a stick, he was all for it.
My brother David ALWAYS wins this...he has since he was two. Watch the video and you'll see why.
NEXT is Halloween:
I got so many compliments on our pumpkins! I was pretty proud of them. I'm a firm believer that you should have a pumpkin for each member of the family. I thought I'd carve mine and Maddie's, Chris would carve his and Boston's, and Mary would carve her own...but I ended up carving mine, Boston's, and Maddie's. Oh well. I can be super proud of myself.
I was thrilled that Boston still fit into his Dragon costume this year! Especially since Monsters and dragons are the coolest for him right now. He loves his costume and for the last couple days wants to wear it all day, even during naps.
We decided it would be more fun to go with our neighbors, who Boston LOVES! I was thrilled that the boys held still long enough to get anything decent.
We stayed out for almost 2 hours! We were so glad the weather was nice! I was even working up a sweat towards the end which is bound to happen when your toddler demands to be carried from house to house.
Can you see how much Loot he came home with? I mean seriously! And it was all good stuff too! Lucky kid.
We didn't have nearly as many Trick or Treaters this year. Usually we're lucky to have enough candy with two Costco bags, but this year, we barely made it through one. No clue what happened.
Boston's figured out that he loves suckers. Go figure.
I think this video speaks for itself.
I'm so glad that I get to be a stay at home mom so that I can catch moments like this!
He had no idea the marshmellow was on his head. He had picked all the other marshmellows out of the cereal, and left the rest. We're working on eating non-sugary things. Halloween doesn't help much.
And Last of all Maddie has started laughing. Here is a little taste of her cute laugh. She's doing it more and more often, but only for Chris.
Rachel, Thanks for the nice comment on my blog. I am glad you saw my blog cause now I can follow yours. (And I totally relate to after midnight blogging- should be sleeping right now). Anyways, that was nice what you said about my website... I haven't updated it or done anything with it in almost 2 years. So it is really old. But like you said "someday" I will updated with newer pictures :)
Your pumpkins were so cute...thanks for trick or treating with us! Don't you love October? So much fun stuff to do with kids.
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