Sunday, June 9, 2013

The craziness of Sunday Morning. :)

Does it ever seem like Sunday morning is the craziest time of the week? No, I'm sure for most of you, you do it just like the primary song says and get everything ready on Saturday so your Sunday morning is peaceful, and spritual.

Well, I ahve not figured out how to do that yet. One day maybe.

Funny story about this morning, which starts with last night. We stayed out late last night watching fireworks with dad at Cedar Hills days. The kids LOVED IT!!! Maddie would say after every firework "Ya see dat!??!!" And Boston has always loved fireworks. In the first couple though there were some big Merigolds and he kept saying "Aghhh! They're going to get me!" Then dad realized what he was nervous about and reassured him that even though they look like they're going to get you, they never will. Anyway, we stayed out late from that so we were pretty tired  this morning.  So we all slept in to about 8:15 or so. Church is at 9 and I had agreed to lead the music in Sacrament meeting today. So I woke up, got Maddie up, made breakfast, got Boston up and sat down to eat myself. Boston and Chris were upstairs in the bathroom, I could hear Chris talking to Boston but I couldn't tell what he was saying. Only that was a little frustrated. After about 10 minutes, Chris called down to me saying he needed my help. Apparently, Boston had been playing with the door while he went potty and locked himself in the bathroom. Chris couldn't pick it, and had been trying to tell Boston how to unlock it, but Boston wouldn't listen. Well, I've had to pick the locks in our house before so I went upstairs to help out. Boston was panicking a bit (Especially after Chris jokingly told him he was going to die in there, thanks Sweetie),  After 5 minutes I still couldn't get it unlocked. Boston was beginning to panic more and saying things like "I'm going to be locked in here forever, and I'm probably going to die in the bathroom." Then he started pounding the door and after a minute said "I tried to break down the door, but it was too strong." 20 minutes go by and we still can't get him out. We decide to let Chris try again to pick the lock, and right before Chris took over I hear Boston say "Mom, i went a lot of Messy, so I had to use a lot of toilet paper." I didn't think much of it because I was thinking about how it was now 9:45 and that Chris was the only one dressed and I had ten minutes to be at Church.
Chris finally picked the lock, and Boston was so relieved to be free. I sent him downstairs to eat breakfast and I continued to quickly get ready. I went to use the bathroom right before I went back downstairs only to discover that the toilet was completely clogged with toilet paper. Boston had used an entire roll of toilet paper to wipe himself after he went potty. Not only did he use an entire roll, he used the LAST ROLL! Which means we had ZERO toilet paper to use, and I would have to wait until we got to church. So I left the toilet clogged, grabbed Maddie's dress and two small ponytail holders and ran downstairs. I told Chris he was going to have to get Boston dressed and come to church and that I would take Maddie.
I quickly put Maddie's dress on, which wasn't a problem because she loves dresses. But when I tried to fix the mess that was her hair, she very bluntly told me No, and wouldn't even let me near her. So I put the elastics around my finger, grabbed her and ran out the door, hoping she'd let me fix it at some point during church.
We got to church and I ran up to the front carrying a child who looked very much like an orphan with no shoes, honey and toast stuck to her face, and hair that was sticking straight out in every direction (she slept in pigtails the night before and her hair kind of help the position...kind of).
Soon, it's time for the opening hymn. Chris is not there yet to take her, so I decide it's a good idea to hold her while trying to conduct. Note: Holding a child while you conduct a song in 6/8 is never a good idea.
She was wiggly, and constantly using my shirt as leverage, attempting to ruin my modesty in fron tof the ward. Then as I'm trying to sing to help keep the awkward timing of the song, she starts yelling at me to stop singing, and puts her hand over my mouth and says "Stop it! No singing!! SHHHHH!!!" So I start laughing, lose track of conducting and have to find the next place I can jump back in. Then she tries to stop me from conducting, and basically it was a disaster. We finish the song, and I sit down hoping Chris comes in soon so I can hand her off, and save some of my dignity. But all too soon it's time for the Sacrament hymn and Chris is still not there. So I pick her up again and try to convince her to help me lead. Luckily it 3/4 time so basically I have to make a triangle, easy right? Nope. Maddie is having a hard time doing it so she starts yelling "I can't do it! I can't do it mommy!" And since she can't do it, she doesn't want anybody else doing it either and tries to stop me. Then she decides she wants down and tries to use my shirt as a ladder pulling it down a bit too far in the process. Chris comes in sometime during the song, but it's too late to take her to him. So after the hymn we quickly sit down, but still on the stand, as there was no time to get out of the public eye and sit in the pews. During sacrament she's singing and dancing and just loosing focus and the ability to be reverent quickly. I had made a couple attempts to fix her hair again and she threw a fit each time, so I decided to distract her I'd let her play with the hair elastics I brought for her. It worked, other than she talked very loudly about the color of each one. Then she dropped one and when she found it again loudly shouted "I found it! I get it! I get it" I felt like I was saying Shhhh the entire time. Finally sacrament was over and we were able to sit down in a bench. At one point we had her distracted well enough that she didn't notice me putting the elastic in her hair...and then the elastic snapped. Game over.
I ended up taking her to the mothers room and getting her hair wet in an attempt to calm it down a little. It only half worked. I did manage to find a clip and use it to tame the part of her hair that refused to be tame.
Let's just say it was quite a spectacle today.
Your niece and nephew certainly keep us on our toes. But we laugh a lot at the things that happen. You guys are going to get a kick out of them. And you'll know exactly what I mean about maddie's wild hair when you get home and see her after nap time or first thing in the morning. It's pretty awesome.
Well I hope you both had great weeks! Sorry this letter was more like a novel.  But that's what you get when you have a Boston and Maddie around. 


PS. even though the ox was in the myer with the toilet paper. I didn't go to the store. Instead I had the awesome task of asking My neighbor if I could have a roll of TP. That's a proud moment, let me tell you. :) 


Kate and Blake plus 3 said...

Your story pretty much made my day yesterday...only so sad I couldn't pull my crap together enough to even make it to sacrament meeting to personally witness!

Caitlin said...

I love this post-- made my morning! You are a great and patient mom!
