~There it is, my website for my future class. So copy and paste this link if you want to check it out!
UEN Reflection:
I’m really excited about my uen site! I think it’s a great way to keep myself organized. I really like how there is a public site and there I have my own personal site. I’m excited about the calendar on the public site so that the kids and their parents can see what’s due that week, and activities and class events that are coming up.
I’m absolutely thrilled about the Pioneer Online Library. What an amazing resource to have as a teacher. Just by logging in to the Pioneer site, you have access to state curriculum, local and world news, journals and data bases, as well as some great search engines and lesson plans with neat information about kids. You can also find media that will work for you lessons. I am really hoping for the opportunity to teach in a Spanish immersion program, so I was really excited at the Spanish resources available through the Pioneer online library. Through UEN you can also find really neat interactives that you can have your kids play. Under the 5th grade core curriculum, which you can view through UEN, I found out that in 5th grade they focus alot on emotional and physical health. One unit teaches about good and bad nutrition and how excercise can play a big rold in overall health. I found a really neat game that helps teach these concepts in a fun way.
I was also really excited about some of the lesson plans offered. I searched for a 5th grade lesson plan about health and found one that teaches kids how to have a good self esteem. This lesson plan also included ideas for activities, and a worksheet the kids can do. What an amazing resource to have!
I had a lot of fun playing with the Culture Grams. I think you could divide the kids into groups, have them pick a country in the world and create a presentation with basic information about the country, fun facts, and pictures. It’s also got a great feature that teaches the kids how to pronounce certain words and phrases in the country’s language.
I also really like that I can post links on my bookmarks for the public page. From there I can post links that might be helpful to parents. By creating current curriculum resources you can create lesson plans, find worksheets to use, and activities to play with the kids. I created a curriculum for 5th grade language arts, and was able to find a worksheet called Eye Spy a Pattern which helps teach students how patterns and things work together. I also really liked the idea they had about creating candy boxes to help kids learn about volume and dimensions. My UEN is full of great tools and resources that will really help me to be creative and come up with fun ways to teach my students core curriculum.
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